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Director-General of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO / Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), José Graziano da Silva during his first visit to Moldova acquainted with the four projects implemented by the East Foundation under the Polish Aid programme.

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During an official visit to Moldova 03.28.2014, the Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk with Prime Minister of Moldova Iurie Leanca visited the exhibition "Polish aid for the development of small and medium enterprises in Moldova". Noble guests were welcomed and guided to the exhibition by President of the East Foundation, Miroslaw Matreńczyk.

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- Moldova is a country that makes clear steps towards European integration. This opens up new opportunities for Polish -Moldovan cooperation, not only for government but also for the business sector. - said Deputy Minister Katarzyna Kacperczyk during visit in Moldova Ministry of Foreign Affairs, beginning February 24 in Chisinau two-day visit of Polish delegation .

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On 9-10.12.2013 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs , Katarzyna Pełczyńska - Nałęcz has taken a visit to Moldova.

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 In order to support bilateral economic contacts, Foundation East on 23-27.08.2013 has organized an economic mission to Moldova , which included a series of meetings between representatives of Polish companies with potential business partners in Moldova.
