Project is supporting campaign "Churches against death penalty" and focusing on public debate relating to human rights issue and the death penalty.

Focus groups: prison chaplaincy network (priests) and staff from church related organizations and secular NGOs promoting human rights issues.

Estimated project budget: 26.000 Euro
Requested CoS contribution: 2.500 Euro

That is regional project (Russia, Belarus and Ukraine) financially supported by EU for period 2013-2014, which is implemented in Belarus jointly by Penal Reform International and Interchurch Mission "Christian social service" (IMCSS) with the East Foundation assistance. Funds from CoS will be used particularly for organization of public debate/seminar on death penalty involving priests representing prison chaplaincy network, local and international experts, church related and secular human rights NGOs, mass media and respective state institutions. That should promote in Belarus future closer cooperation and best practice exchange on human right issues between churches and secular partners (both on national and international levels).