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The program for emergency aid to the most affected by the flood, which hit the Krymsk District of the Krasnodar Region on July 6-7, 2012, was organized under the auspices of the Moscow Patriarchate, Department for External Church Relations with the support of the Action by Church Together, an international Christian Alliance, and was carried out by Russia Round Table.

It became a continuation of the long-standing cooperation between organizations for aid to victims of various emergency situations in the North Caucasus and other regions both inside and outside Russia.

In August 2012, the program beneficiaries included 1.095 people in the city of Krymsk and the Nizhnebakanka village, the worst affected areas. They were given individual hygienic kits and sanitary packages for children and women as well as antiseptics. The lists of beneficiaries of the aid were prepared and its distribution was carried out in close cooperation with respective structures in the Russian Orthodox Church diocese of Yekaterinodar and Kuban.

According to official information, the floods affected over 30.000 people, 171 people died and some 13.000 houses were damaged. Even after the water has subsided, the streets were covered with a thick layer of dirty slush consisting of soil, dirt and silt brought by the flood. In some places this slush contained decaying carcasses of domestic animals, which have not been cleared away for quite some time. Disinfection was carried out in all the affected areas. The authorities compiled lists of victims who are to receive a compensation for the lost property and houses from the regional and federal public funds.
