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This activity was conducted 2-day  workshop for 21 people. In addition, on the first day (at the request of CALM - a national organization of local government) the workshop was attended by 37 representatives of local government (mostly mayors) ot the Regional Development Center. The first day of the workshop, participants have the opportunity to:
• refer to the concept of sustainable rural development in the region (based on the program for 2010-2014 currently being implemented by the East Foundation in Braviceni village.
• deepen practical knowledge in the implementation of innovative forms of conducting high-yield farms and the creation of local agricultural service centers supporting the development of rural areas (based on the practical experience of the project 125/2012),
• learn the principles of social responsibility concept in economic activities (including the needs of people at risk of social marginalization, environmental protection, equal opportunities, good governance, etc.).
• for information on the priorities and perspectives of financial support to farmers, agricultural cooperatives, groups of producers and projects for the development of rural areas (mainly from central government funds: the Ministries of Agriculture, Regional Development, Economics and the Environment, and international organizations to support the development of rural regions Moldova: the European Union, UNDP, World Bank, EBRD, SIDA, etc..).

In addition, participants have been visiting the four nearest villages (Ratus, Brăviceni, Mitoc and Vatici) where some initiatives have been supported in frames of the project 125/2012:

• Innovative pedigree meat caws farm (Limousine blood) in Brăviceni region Orhei
• Construction of cooler and deep freezer for village meat processing plant (village Brăviceni region Orhei)
• Construction of cooler for vegetables & fruits (village Mitoc region Orhei)
• Agricultural machinery service cooperative (village Ratus region Telenesti)
• Milk collection & processing service (village Vatici, region Orhei)

The second day of the workshop was as a direct practical training addressed to the beneficiaries of the project 125/2012 in respect of:

• business plans for agricultural projects
• financial management and book keeping record in agriculture
• basics of marketing in agricultural activities

The workshop was conducted by experienced trainers and practitioners from Poland and Moldova:
• Waldemar Sochaczewski - a member of the Advisory Mission of the European Union and UNDP in Moldova
• Petru Maleru - Director of AIPA (Payments and Intervention Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture of Moldova)
• Constantin Ojog - Director of ACSA (the National Agency for the Development of Rural Regions in Moldova)
• Eugen Revenko - program director of the ACSA
• Gheoghe Plămădeală - director of "Viata Satului" (non-governmental organizations to support the sustainable development of rural areas)
• Mirosław Matreńczyk - Chairperson of the East Foundation
• Dariusz Ochrymiuk - President Podlasie Wildlife Station "Narew"
• and three economists and experts ACSA (Lily Banucha, Larisa Bylku, Anatone Wave)

Special guests of the workshop was a delegation from the Polish Embassy in Moldova and the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, composed of
• Ambassador - Artur Michalski
• Counselor - Christopher Bielaj
• Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Magdalena Polak
and the Director of the Information Centre (for local authorities in Moldova) - Krzysztof Kolanowski (Solidarity Fund PL)
