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The East Foundation has started in 2024 the implementation of the first module of the project "Biotechnological innovations in improving the competitiveness of the crop sector in Moldova". 

The project is co-financed by the state budget within the framework of Polish development cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland in the amount of PLN 705,380.00.

The aim of the project is to support the crop sector, which is of strategic importance in Moldova, which is heavily dependent on agriculture.  The project is to be implemented between 2024 and 2026, and covers both traditional and organic crop sectors. It offers an improvement in soil quality, an increase in the competitiveness and efficiency of farming and the quality of agricultural products, as well as environmental protection.
The project will include: 
•  know-how transfer (study visit to Poland), 3 regional workshops in Moldova, creation of a customised agricultural advisory system on new crop technologies and use of agricultural biotechnology products
•  starting local production of innovative liquid and granular bio-fertilisers that can replace imported mineral fertilisers
•  the establishment of three regional composting plants using local biological waste (from pig and cattle farms, sugar production and post-farming) to counteract soil erosion
•  creation of a certified soil testing laboratory
IInvestment in modern resource-saving technologies will allow Moldovan agricultural producers to remain competitive, despite rapidly rising production costs. The project directly supports the implementation of the EU Green Deal policy in crop production (which will increase exports). In addition, the implementation of the project will contribute to the creation of 68 new jobs in rural villages and an increase in the beneficiaries' total income from the sale of products and services from EUR 3,446,000 to EUR 9,011,000. The results of the project will serve the ACSA advisory network as model facilities in educational activities and promotion of rural entrepreneurship. The project has been recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture of Moldova, is trans-regional in nature, will be implemented in 6 localities located in 5 regions of Moldova, and is in line with the National Development Plan of Moldova and the National Strategy for Agricultural and Rural Development 2023-2030.

The third module of the project DWR/PPR 2021/012/3/2023 "Supporting the comprehensive development of beekeeping in Moldova" has been completed.   

The project co-financed by the state budget within the framework of Polish development cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland in the amount of PLN 779,090.00.

Moldova is heavily dependent on agricultural development. Productivity in the agricultural crop sector (according to scientific studies) depends more than 80% on pollinators (mainly bees). Therefore, there is an urgent need to increase the number of apiaries; unfortunately, the limited demand for beekeeping products on the local market hampers the development of this strategically important sector. This is why the project's implementation creates the conditions for improving quality, developing cooperation and increasing honey production and export (mainly to EU markets), which further enhances the development of beekeeping at local level.  The aim of the project is to support the comprehensive development of beekeeping in Moldova. The project was implemented between 2021 and 2023, and included comprehensive and multilateral support for education, bee breeding, processing, local sales and export of beekeeping products, and the creation of stable conditions for further sustainable development of the whole sector. It has had an impact on replacing the, often destructive, competition at local level with the development of forms of long-term cooperation and specialisation. The project showed support for: the equipping of the Beekeepers' Training Centre and a model apiary and honey processing plant, the modernisation of the regional beekeeping base, the equipping of the Beekeeping Development Centre, the development of a beekeeping products production cooperative and the upgrading of the honey export plant. The implementation of the project has enabled the creation (by the end of 2023) in rural locations, a total of 66 new jobs against a planned 59 (an increase from 29 to 95 employees) and the achievement (between 2021 and 2023) of an increase in total sales revenue of 242% against a planned approx. 180% (an increase in sales from EUR 910,000 to EUR 3,109,000). The results of the project also serve the ACSA advisory network as model facilities in educational activities and promotion of rural enterprise development. The project was supra-regional, implementation took place in 6 villages located in 4 regions of Moldova. The project is in line with the National Development Strategy of Moldova and was recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment of the Republic of Moldova.

Assumed direct objectives:
1. Sustainable growth of 6 beekeeping development centres in Moldova
2. Developing the production potential and supply of beekeeping products
3. Improvement in the economic situation of beneficiaries
4. Export growth
5. Creation of stable jobs in rural regions.
have been achieved. 
In 2023, the following effects have been achieved: 
- an employment increase from 65 to 95 people (planned increase to 88 people),
- an increase honey production (own and from suppliers) from 566 to 625 tonnes (however, the originally planned level of 724 tonnes was not achieved),
- an increase in sales from EUR 2,062,000 to EUR 3,109,000 (EUR 2,560,000 was planned), including exports from EUR 1,199,400 to EUR 1,400,000 (however, the planned amount of EUR 1,648,100 from exports was not achieved).

Due to unfavourable weather conditions in most regions of Moldova, honey production fell by more than 50% compared to 2022. Another challenge in 2023 was the huge supply of honey to EU markets from Ukraine (all export restrictions were lifted due to the war), which resulted in honey export prices falling by more than 50-60% compared to those achieved before the war. This has led to a significant reduction in export revenues, even with the same or increased volumes sold. Periodic difficulties also have a positive impact on entrepreneurs, forcing them to be more flexible, to look for alternative solutions, etc. Most of our beneficiaries have been able to respond appropriately to adversity as evidenced by exceeding plans in terms of sales volumes (including alternative products) and employment, in a very difficult operating environment in 2023.

In 2023 the following direct project results were achieved:

1.  Beekeeper Training Centre, SRL Biohoney, Minjir village. An 'apiary on wheels' was set up as planned through the purchase of 195pc of innovative very lightweight polystyrene vertical hives easy to load and transport.  
Indicators: increase (between 2022 and 2023) in own honey production from 14 tonnes to 22 tonnes (planned to 19 tonnes), revenue from sales of all beekeeping products from €78,000 to €150,000 (planned to €111,000). Employment remained at 9 people (6 permanent and 3 seasonal employees) although the original plan was to increase employment to 12 people. Exports could not be maintained (exports were planned to increase from EUR 14 800 to EUR 20 100).
2.  Regional model apiary, G.Ţ. "Vieru Ion Tudor-Zaim", Zaim village.   Purchased and put into operation a high-efficiency wax production line (grant and own contribution), which will primarily cover its own and other participating beekeepers' needs.  
Wskaźniki: wzrost (w latach 2022-2023) własnej produkcji miodu z 12 ton do 14 ton (planowano do 17 ton) i zatrudnienia z 5 do 6 osób (zgodnie z planem). Indicators: an increase (between 2022 and 2023) in own honey production from 12 tonnes to 14 tonnes (planned to 17 tonnes) and employment from 5 to 6 people (as planned). Unfortunately, revenue from sales of all beekeeping products fell from EUR 66 000 to EUR 25 000 (planned to rise to EUR 104 000, including exports from EUR 24 600 to EUR 42 000). Due to market difficulties, the beneficiary has a large stock of unsold honey. Despite the drastic drops in revenue, the beneficiary has real growth prospects, as confirmed by the bank loan with which the investment in 2023 was partly financed.  Wax is currently imported in large quantities to Moldova. In-house production using a modern production line ensures high quality and a competitive price. Unfortunately, the line was not commissioned until December 2023. (due to the time it takes to obtain a loan and the long period from ordering to the manufacturing of the equipment and the subsequent start of production). Therefore, the economic results of the investment will not be achieved until 2024.
3. Regional beekeeping base, SRL Carpatina Impex, Pelivan village. Adopted production hall and purchased machine for hive production (own contribution). Purchased (grant and own contribution) a mould for the production of polystyrene beehives and a multifunctional self-propelled trolley for the unloading of raw materials, internal transport and loading of finished products for sale. 
Indicators: an increase (between 2022 and 2023) in own honey production from 17 tonnes to 20 tonnes (planned to 23 tonnes), revenue from sales of all beekeeping products from EUR 221,000 to EUR 320,000 (planned to EUR 271,000) and employment from seven to 10 people (planned to nine people). Unfortunately, exports fell to €100,000 (planned to rise from €156,000 to €201,000).
4.  Beekeeping Development Centre, 'GHIDAPISGRUP', Cojușna village. The project's resulting 50 kW photovoltaic panels (grant and own contribution) were installed in the state-of-the-art and now the largest such facility in Moldova for the processing, packaging and storage of beekeeping products. 
Indicators: in all members of the producer group, an increase (between 2022 and 2023) in own honey production from 74 tonnes to 180 tonnes (planned to 156 tonnes), revenue from sales of all products (largely beekeeping equipment) from EUR 386 000 to EUR 1 154 000 (planned to EUR 598 000) and employment from 15 to 39 people (including 27 permanent and 12 seasonal) with a planned increase to 27 people in total. Unfortunately, the planned increase in exports from EUR 131,000 to EUR 293,000 was not achieved, managing to export products for only around EUR 50,000 in 2023. 
5.  Production cooperative 'Sandic Honey Group', Peresecina village. In the first honey processing centre to be built as part of the project and one of the most modern in Moldova, 35 photovoltaic panels of 580W each have been installed (purchase of panels from the grant and installation from own contribution). This is the maximum amount that could fit on the roof of the building, while fully covering the plant's electricity needs. The planned installation between 2022 and 2023 of 150 kW has already been completed in 2022. 
Indicators: an increase (between 2022 and 2023) in own honey production from 77 tonnes to 82 tonnes (planned to 91 tonnes), revenue from sales of all beekeeping products from €346,000 to €510,000 (planned to €386,000), including exports from €128,000 to €300,000 (planned to €216,000) and employment from 15 to 19 people, including 15 permanent staff and four seasonal staff (planned to 18 people in total).
6. Beekeeping products export facility, 'VISAPINA-IMPEX' SRL, Orhei.  A multifunctional self-propelled trolley was purchased (grant and own contribution) for unloading raw materials, internal transport and loading of finished products for sale.Indicators: The plant specialises in buying, processing and exporting honey. Unfortunately, due to very low prices for export, the planned targets could not be met. It was planned to increase (between 2022 and 2023) honey sales from 372 tonnes to 436 tonnes. In 2023. sales and exports fell to 307 tonnes. Sales and exports reached €950,000 with a planned increase from €965,000 to €1,090,000 (including exports from €754,000 to €876,000). Employment levels fell to 10 people with a planned increase from 14 to 16 people.  


The publication expresses solely the views of the author and cannot be identified with the official position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.

The second module of the project DWR/PPR2022/002/3/2023 "Development of women's entrepreneurship in rural regions of Moldova" has been completed.  

The project co-financed by the state budget within the framework of Polish development cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland in the amount of PLN 795,720.00.

The project aims to help develop women's local entrepreneurship in rural regions of Moldova. The project runs from 2022 to 2024 and includes multifaceted support in the areas of investment, education, business relationship building, etc. The implementation of the project is a practical example of the very diverse business opportunities for women from rural backgrounds. The project includes the construction and equipping of two production facilities: food products (placenta, dried and smoked meats, etc.) and upholstered furniture production; the expansion of another two facilities: protective clothing production and a concrete mixing plant; the equipping of a new confectionery shop and the modernisation of horticultural films for flower growing. It is also the intention of the project to replace (often destructive) local competition with the development of forms of long-term cooperation and specialisation using innovative concepts and technological solutions. The results of the project will also serve the ACSA national consultancy network as model facilities in educational activities and promotion of rural entrepreneurship development among women. The implementation of the project assumes the creation of 59 new jobs in rural locations and the achievement (between 2022 and 2024) of an increase in total sales revenue of more than 100% (from EUR 467,850 in 2021 to EUR 958,500 in 2024). The project is cross-regional, being implemented in 8 localities located in 6 regions of Moldova. It is in line with the National Development Strategy of Moldova 'Moldova 2030', the National Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development and has received a recommendation from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Moldova. Despite extremely unfavourable external conditions related to Covid19 and the war in Ukraine (resulting in very high inflation and high impoverishment of the population in Moldova), the project's 2022 targets and results were met and even significantly exceeded.  In 2023 the planned growth dynamics were maintained.

Assumed direct objectives:
1. Removal of barriers to the development of 6 rural women's enterprise centres
2. Increased production and sales of own products
3. Development of export potential
4. Creation of local jobs
5. Improving working conditions and safety
have been fully achieved. 

The originally planned results in 2023 in the form of increases: employment to 86 people (planned to 78 people) and sales to EUR 902,000 (planned EUR 784,000) were achieved and even significantly exceeded. Thanks to the great commitment of the project's beneficiaries and their ability to adapt to the requirements of the local market, it was possible to achieve very good results despite unfavourable external conditions related to the postcovid situation (staff falling ill) and the war in Ukraine (resulting in Moldova in very high inflation and a highly impoverished population). 

In 2023 the following direct project results were achieved:

1.  SRL SVV Food City, villages of Chismea and Domulgeni - second phase of construction of a production plant of over 150m2 completed (own contribution). The second phase of the plant equipment was also implemented, a sausage stuffing machine, Frey F-LINE F60 A with tooling (unscrewing machine for FREY DHGA stuffing machine) was purchased as planned (grant and own contribution). In addition, a Polar 2-50 vacuum packaging machine was purchased as part of the beneficiary's own contribution. All equipment, with a total value of approximately EUR 60 000, was purchased in Poland. The second stage of the plant's equipment allowed for the creation of a fairly modern and efficient line for the production of a wide range of cured meats. As an own contribution, smoking chambers were also built in the plant and a monitoring system was installed. 
Indicators: an increase in in-house production from 5 to 7 tonnes, product sales revenue to EUR 45,000 (planned to EUR 41,000) and employment from 15 to 24 people (planned to 22 people).
2. SRL Masa Noastra, the village of Brăviceni and Chisinau.  In 2023, the following were purchased (as part of the grant and own contribution): microbus - refrigerator, cake mixers (universal, planetary and immersion), refrigerators, device and moulds for the production of tarts, bakery moulds and other utensils for confectionery production and transport of finished products (confectionery gun with hose and compressor, icing sugar grinder, confectionery saucepans, cake stands, bakery mats, silicone moulds, devices for tempering and heating chocolate, reusable containers for transporting confectionery products, etc.).  
Indicators: increase in own production to 1,700 kg (planned to 1,200 kg), sales revenue from planned to EUR 24,000 (planned to EUR 21,000) and employment to 4 people (planned to 3 people).
3. G.T. "Duda Valentina", Slobozia Dușca village. Completed renovation of the second foil of about 200 m2 for flower cultivation (own contribution and grant) and purchased 100pcs of innovative seedling cultivation tables with automatic irrigation systems, filters, multiple potting forms and seedling substrate within the grant.  The original plan was to purchase 15pc of large-sized tables, but in the end smaller ones (easier to handle and more flexible in their use of the surface area of various horticultural films) were purchased in greater numbers.
Indicators: increase in-house flower production to 32,000 pots (planned to 29,000 pots), revenue from product sales to €31,000 (planned to €26,000) and employment to 5 people (planned to 4 people).
4. SRL ,,Textile-Contact", Peresecina village.  Completed (with grant and own contribution) adaptation of approx. 270 m2 of premises (insulation, flooring, installations, production and sanitary facilities) resulting in a significant improvement in working conditions for staff. 
Indicators: Increase in own production of protective clothing to 12,200 pcs. (planned to 11,800 units), revenue from product sales to EUR 220,000 (planned to EUR 212,000) and employment to 16 people (planned to 15 people).
5. I.I. BELEI IGOR, village of Cupcini. Purchased moulds and formwork elements for the production of concrete products (under grant and own contribution), which allowed the range of products produced to be expanded.
Indicators: unfortunately, due to public procurement constraints, there was only a very small increase in production from 4,600 to 4,620 tonnes (planned to 5,800 tonnes), but the expansion of the product range brought an increase in revenue from product sales to €250,000 (planned to €242,000) and employment to 20 people (planned to 19 people).
6. SRL "RINADOR LUX", Sărata-Galbenă village. Completed second phase of construction of production premises over 800m2 (own contribution). All production was transferred to the new facility in 2023. A GABBIANI P60 automatic horizontal panel saw was purchased and installed, as well as trained employees to operate it (as part of the grant and own contribution).
Indicators: increase in sales to 2,800 (planned to 2,200) sets of furniture, revenue from product sales to EUR 332,000 (planned to EUR 242,000) and employment to 17 people (planned to 15 people). 


The publication expresses solely the views of the author and cannot be equated with the official position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.

The second module of the project DWR/PPR 2021/012/3/2022"Supporting the comprehensive development of beekeeping in Moldova" has been completed. 

The project co-financed by the state budget within the framework of Polish development cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland in the amount of PLN 778,540.00.

Moldova's economic development is heavily dependent on agriculture. Productivity in the agricultural crop sector (according to scientific studies) depends more than 80% on pollinators (mainly bees). There is therefore an urgent need to increase the number of apiaries; unfortunately, the limited demand for beekeeping products on the local market is hampering the development of this strategically important sector. This is why the implementation of the project plans to create conditions for the improvement of quality, the development of cooperation and the increase in honey exports (mainly to EU markets), which will allow for the further development of beekeeping at a local level in the future.  The aim of the project is to support the comprehensive development of beekeeping. The project runs from 2021 to 2023 and includes comprehensive and multifaceted support for education, bee breeding, processing, local sales and export of beekeeping products and the creation of stable conditions for the further sustainable development of the entire sector.  It assumes the replacement of the often destructive competition at local level with the development of forms of long-term cooperation and specialisation. The project shows support for: the retrofitting of the Beekeepers' Training Centre and a model apiary and honey processing plant, the modernisation of the regional beekeeping base, the equipment of the Beekeeping Development Centre, the development of a production cooperative for beekeeping products and the modernisation of the honey export plant. The implementation of the project will allow for the creation (by the end of 2023) of 59 new jobs in rural locations and an increase (between 2021 and 2023) in total sales revenue of approximately 180%. The results of the project also serve the ACSA advisory network as model facilities for educational activities and promotion of rural enterprise development. The project is supra-regional in nature, with implementation taking place in 6 villages located in 4 regions of Moldova. It is in line with the National Development Strategy of Moldova and has been recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment of the Republic of Moldova.

Assumed direct objectives:
1. Removal of barriers to the development of 6 beekeeping centres in Moldova 
2. Increased production and sales of beekeeping products  
3. Improving the economic performance of the economic operators involved in the project
4. Development of export potential 
5. Creation of local jobs
have been fully achieved. 

The planned effects in the form of increases: honey production (own and from suppliers) to 598 tonnes (planned to 566 tonnes) and sales to EUR 2,062,000 (as planned), including exports to EUR 1,446,500 (planned to 1,208,400) were achieved. The intensive search for foreign markets yielded good results in the form of a significant increase in exports of beekeeping products. Unfortunately, the planned level of employment was not achieved: the planned increase to 65 people was achieved, but only 48 people.  The main reason for this is the delays in starting full production at the new facilities of the Beekeeping Development Centre, 'GHIDAPISGRUP', Cojușna village and the production cooperative 'Sandic Honey Group', Peresecina village. Due to Covid19 and the war in Ukraine, the delivery of some of the equipment (which is being acquired outside the framework of this project) has been significantly delayed and people to operate it have not yet been recruited.

In 2022. the following direct project results were achieved:

1. Beekeepers Training Centre, SRL Biohoney, Minjir village. Two platforms were purchased and an innovative "apiary on wheels" and a mechanical elevator with a capacity of 1,500 kg for transporting barrels of honey were created (from the grant and the beneficiary's own contribution). Indicators: an increase in production of own honey to 42 tonnes (planned to 14 tonnes), revenue from sales of all beekeeping products to EUR 100 000 (planned to EUR 78 000), including exports of EUR 0 (planned to EUR 14 800) and employment to 8 people (planned to 9 people).
2. Regional model apiary, G.Ţ. "Vieru Ion Tudor-Zaim", Zaim village. The following specialised equipment was purchased (from the grant): a honey decrystallisation chamber, a honey pump and filter, a wax smelting device, a homogeniser for 2,500 litres and an RTS 50 litre mixer. More than 400 "wedding" hives for rearing queen bees were purchased by the beneficiary himself. Indicators: an increase in production of own honey to 11 tonnes (planned to 12 tonnes), revenue from sales of all beekeeping products to EUR 90 000 (planned to EUR 66 000) including exports to EUR 17 500 (planned to EUR 24 600) and employment to 5 people (as planned).
3. Regional beekeeping base, SRL Carpatina Impex, Pelivan village. A refrigerated van was purchased in 2022 as part of the grant and own contribution. Indicators: increase in production of own and purchased honey to 20 tonnes (planned to 17 tonnes), revenue from sales of all beekeeping products to EUR 232,000 (planned to EUR 221,000), including exports to EUR 80,000 (planned to EUR 156,000) and employment to 6 people (planned to 7 people).
4. Beekeeping Development Centre, 'GHIDAPISGRUP', Cojușna village. The construction (with own contribution) of the most modern and currently the largest facility of its kind in Moldova for the processing, packaging and storage of beekeeping products was completed. A honey homogeniser with a capacity of 20,000 litres each was purchased (grant and own contribution). and a honey decrystallisation chamber (10t.) was built (own contribution). Indicators: an increase in honey production (own and from suppliers) to 65t (planned to 74t), revenue from sales of all beekeeping products to EUR 185 000 (planned to EUR 386 000), including exports to EUR 48 000 (planned to EUR 131 000) and employment to 9 people (planned to 15 people). The beneficiary focused on completing the construction of the largest and most modern honey processing facility in Moldova. Unfortunately, the commissioning of the laboratory and the bulk of the production will not take place until 2023 due to delays in equipment deliveries due to Covid19 and the war in Ukraine (which will affect employment).
5. Production cooperative 'Sandic Honey Group', village of Peresecina. Photovoltaic panels of 150 kW were purchased and installed (from subsidy and own contribution). Indicators: increase in honey production (own and from suppliers) to 82 tonnes (planned to 77 tonnes), revenue from sales of all beekeeping products to EUR 384 (planned to EUR 346 000), including exports to EUR 250 000 (planned to EUR 128 000) and employment to 8 people (planned to 15 people). The main reason for the lower employment is the delays in starting up full production in the new and very modern facility. These are due to supply problems caused by Covid19 and the war in Ukraine.
6. Beekeeping products export facility, 'VISAPINA-IMPEX' SRL, Orhei.  The following equipment was purchased (from the grant and own contribution): decrystallisation chambers for 300 L. barrels. (3 units in total), a 1000 L. stainless steel tank with heating jacket (homogeniser) and integrated rack, and a hydraulic jack for loading and unloading barrels. Indicators: an increase in honey sales to 378 tonnes (planned to 372 tonnes), revenue from sales of all beekeeping products EUR 1 071 000 (planned to EUR 965 000), including exports to EUR 1 071 000 (planned to EUR 754 000) and employment to 12 people (planned to 14 people).


The publication expresses solely the views of the author and cannot be equated with the official position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.

The first module of the project DWR/PPR2022/002/3/2022 "Development of women's entrepreneurship in rural regions of Moldova" has been completed. 

The project co-financed by the state budget within the framework of Polish development cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland in the amount of PLN 734,930.00. 

The project aims to help develop women's local entrepreneurship in rural regions of Moldova. The project runs from 2022 to 2024 and includes multifaceted support in the areas of investment, education, business relationship building, etc. The implementation of the project is a practical example of the very diverse business opportunities for women from rural backgrounds. The project envisages the construction and equipping of two production facilities: food products (placenta, dried and smoked meats, etc.) and upholstered furniture production; the expansion of another two facilities: protective clothing production and a concrete mixing plant; the equipping of a new confectionery shop; and the modernisation of horticultural films for flower growing. It is also the intention of the project to replace (often destructive) local competition with the development of forms of long-term cooperation and specialisation using innovative concepts and technological solutions. The results of the project will also serve the ACSA national advisory network (local partner organisation) as model facilities in educational activities and promotion of rural entrepreneurship development among women. The implementation of the project will allow the creation of 59 new jobs in rural villages and achieve (between 2022 and 2024) an increase in total sales revenue of more than 100% (from EUR 467,850 in 2021 to EUR 958,500 in 2024). The project is supra-regional in nature, being implemented in 8 localities located in 6 regions of Moldova. It is in line with the National Development Strategy of Moldova 'Moldova 2030', the National Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development and has received a recommendation from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Moldova. Despite extremely unfavourable external conditions related to Covid19 and the war in Ukraine (resulting in very high inflation and high impoverishment of the population in Moldova), the project's 2022 targets and results were met and even significantly exceeded.

Assumed direct objectives:

1. Creation of a stable basis for the development of 6 rural women's entrepreneurship centres 

2. Development of production capacity and product supply

3. Improving the economic situation of beneficiaries

4. Better conditions for export development

5. New jobs with a focus on women's employment

have been fully achieved.

The planned results in the form of increases: employment from 53 to 70 people (planned to 57 people) and sales from EUR 467,850 to EUR 768,500 (planned EUR 585,000) were achieved and even significantly exceeded. Thanks to the great commitment of the project beneficiaries, it was possible to achieve very good results despite the extremely unfavourable external conditions related to Covid19 and the war in Ukraine.

In 2022. the following direct project results were achieved:

1. SRL SVV Food City, villages of Chismea and Domulgeni - completed adaptation of a room of about 40 m2 and the first stage of construction of a new production facility of about 200m2, purchased: an automatic butcher cutter, two stuffing machines and a vacuum butcher (a basic, but quite modern and efficient, sausage production line was created). This allowed the company to increase its own production from 4 tonnes to 5 tonnes, product sales revenue to EUR 33,000 (as planned) and employment from 10 to 14 people (up to 15 people were planned).

2. SRL Masa Noastra, Brăviceni village and Chisinau. Completed adaptation of a 108 m2 room, purchased a bakery oven, blast freezer and refrigerator, cake moulds and a small refrigerated truck for transporting products. This provided the opportunity to increase own production to 526 kg (planned to 400 kg), sales revenue to EUR 10,000 (planned to EUR 7,000) and employment to 3 people (planned to 2 people).

3. G.T. "Duda Valentina", Slobozia Dușca village. Completed refurbishment of the first film of approximately 200 m2 and purchased 100 units of innovative seedling cultivation tables with automatic irrigation systems and filters. This resulted in an increase in in-house flower production to 30,000 pots (planned to 26,000 pots), revenue from product sales to EUR 22,500 (planned to EUR 22,000) and employment to 3 people (as planned).

4. SRL ,,Textile-Contact", Peresecina village. Completed adaptation of attic premises with an area of approx. 275 m2, purchased 3 professional 15-needle sewing machines and equipment with embroidery software. There was an increase in in-house production of protective clothing to 10,800 pieces. (planned to 9,100 pieces), revenue from product sales to EUR 210,000 (planned to EUR 157,000) and employment to 15 people (planned to 12 people).

5. I.I. BELEI I., Cupcini village. Purchased state-of-the-art FAST500S precision mixing plant for concrete products and trained employees, ensuring an increase in in-house production to 5020 tonnes (planned to 4600 tonnes), revenue from product sales to €291,000 (planned to €169,000) and employment to 19 people (planned to 14 people).

6. SRL "RINADOR LUX", Sărata-Galbenă village. Completed first phase of construction of premises over 800m2. Purchased Olimpic K230 evo automatic single-sided edgebanding machine and trained operating staff. This allowed sales to increase to 2,400 (planned to 1,900) furniture sets, product sales revenue to EUR 225,000 (planned to EUR 198,000) and employment to 16 people (planned to 11 people).  


The publication expresses solely the views of the author and cannot be equated with the official position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.

The first module of the project DWR/PPR 2021/012/3/2021'Supporting the comprehensive development of beekeeping in Moldova' has been completed.  

The project co-financed by the state budget within the framework of Polish development cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland in the amount of PLN 663,930.00.

Moldova is heavily dependent on agricultural development. Productivity in the agricultural crop sector (according to scientific studies) depends more than 80% on pollinators (mainly bees). Consequently, there is an urgent need to increase the number of apiaries; unfortunately, the limited demand for beekeeping products on the local market is hampering the development of this strategically important sector. This is why the project's implementation creates the conditions for improving quality, developing cooperation and increasing honey production and export (mainly to EU markets), which further develops beekeeping at a local level.  The aim of the project is to support the comprehensive development of beekeeping in Moldova. The project was implemented between 2021 and 2023, and included comprehensive and multilateral support for education, bee breeding, processing, local sales and export of beekeeping products, and the creation of stable conditions for further sustainable development of the whole sector. It has had an impact on replacing the, often destructive, competition at local level with the development of forms of long-term cooperation and specialisation. The project showed support for: the retrofitting of the Beekeepers' Training Centre and a model apiary and honey processing plant, the modernisation of the regional beekeeping base, the equipment of the Beekeeping Development Centre, the development of a production cooperative for beekeeping products and the modernisation of the honey export plant. The implementation of the project has enabled the creation (by the end of 2023) in rural locations, a total of 66 new jobs against a planned 59 (an increase from 29 to 95 employees) and the achievement (between 2021 and 2023) of an increase in total sales revenue of 242% against a planned approx. 180% (an increase in sales from EUR 910,000 to EUR 3,109,000). The results of the project also serve the ACSA advisory network as model facilities in educational activities and promotion of rural enterprise development. The project was supra-regional, implementation took place in 6 villages located in 4 regions of Moldova. The project is in line with the National Development Strategy of Moldova and was recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment of the Republic of Moldova.

Assumed direct objectives:
1. Establishing a stable development basis for 6 beekeeping development centres in Moldova
2. Developing the production potential and supply of beekeeping products
3. Improving the economic situation of beneficiaries
4. Better conditions for export development
5. New jobs in the beekeeping sector
have been fully achieved. 

Planned effects in the form of increases: 
- employment from 29 to 42 people (as planned), 
- own production from 391 tonnes to 527 tonnes (484 tonnes planned) 
- sales from EUR 910 to 1,578 thousand (EUR 1,486 thousand was planned), including exports from EUR 530 to 1,182 thousand (EUR 987.3 thousand was planned) 
were achieved and mostly exceeded.

In 2021. the following direct project results were achieved:

1. The Beekeepers Training Centre, SRL Biohoney, Mingir village, was retrofitted with an innovative automatic honey de-stemming and centrifugation line (own contribution and grant). Indicators: an increase (between 2020 and 2021) in own honey production from 7 tonnes to 22 tonnes (planned to 10 tonnes), revenue from sales of all beekeeping products from €38,000 to €61,000 (planned €59,000, including exports from zero to €7,100) and employment from 2 to 5 people (planned to 4 people). Unfortunately, due to the very late announcement of the competition results and the limitations of Covid19, the beneficiary was not able to establish direct contacts with potential foreign importers, so all production was sold on the domestic market.

2. Regional model apiary, G.Ţ. "Vieru Ion Tudor-Zaim", Zaim village. The construction and equipping of the honey processing hall has been completed (as part of the beneficiary's own in-kind contribution), a line for bottling honey into glass containers has been purchased and installed (as part of the grant). Indicators: an increase (in 2020-2021) in own honey production from 3 tonnes to 10 tonnes (planned to 7 tonnes), revenue from sales of all beekeeping products from EUR 16 000 to EUR 29 000 (planned to EUR 28 000, including exports from zero to EUR 12 200) and employment from 3 to 4 people (as planned). Due to the very late announcement of the competition results and the limitations of Covid19, the beneficiary did not manage to establish direct contacts with foreign importers, so all production was sold on the domestic market.

3. Regional beekeeping base, SRL Carpatina Impex, Pelivan village. A bee pollen winnowing and drying machine and 4 honey vending machines were purchased with grant funds, as well as packaging equipment, a raw material cooler and a homogeniser as part of the in-kind contribution. Indicators achieved: an increase (between 2020 and 2021) in own honey production from 8 tonnes to 9 tonnes (11 tonnes was planned, but unfortunately several apiaries were lost due to inappropriate use of plant protection products by local farmers).  Nevertheless, the beekeeping base increased revenue from sales of all beekeeping products and services from €132,000 to €186,000 (planned to €172,000, including exports from €118,000 to €132,000) and employment from four to five people (as planned).  Due to the limitations of Covid19, the beneficiary did not succeed in establishing contacts with foreign importers, so all production was sold on the local market.

4. Beekeeping Development Centre, 'GHIDAPISGRUP', Cojușna village. The modern building of the Beekeeping Development Centre has been built (own contribution) (premises: laboratory, reception warehouses for beekeeping raw materials and halls for their further processing, warehouses for finished products, loading ramp, social rooms, etc.). The final installation and exterior landscaping work is underway. High-performance equipment for pasteurisation of honey (which prevents, among other things, its crystallisation over a period of approximately six months) has been purchased under the grant. Indicators: an increase (between 2020 and 2021) in own honey production from 18 tonnes to 48 tonnes (planned to 42 tonnes), revenue from sales of all beekeeping products from EUR 69 000 to EUR 72 000 (planned to EUR159 000, including exports from zero to EUR 74 000 ) and employment from 3 to 4 people (planned to 7 people).  Unfortunately, due to the huge involvement of the beneficiary in the construction of the new facility (due to the ground, the construction project had to be modified by adding a basement, resulting in a facility with a much larger surface area - approximately 4,500 m2), some of the beekeeping products could not be sold in 2021 (they remain in storage) and hence significantly lower sales figures than planned. In addition, restrictions related to Covid19 did not allow contacts to be established with foreign importers, so all production was sold on the domestic market.

5. Production cooperative 'Sandic Honey Group', Peresecina village. The most modern and currently the largest facility of its kind in Moldova for the processing, packaging and storage of beekeeping products was built ( as part of its own contribution. A bee feed production line (the first of its kind in the country, which will allow a significant reduction in imports) was purchased and installed as part of the grant. Indicators: an increase (between 2020 and 2021) in own honey production from 50 tonnes to 60 tonnes (planned to 72 tonnes), revenue from sales of all beekeeping products from €151,000 to €249,000 (planned to €247,000), including exports from zero to €201,000 (planned to €69,000) and employment from 7 to 11 people (planned to 10 people). Own production grew more slowly than planned due to the very large time commitment of the beneficiaries in the construction of the new facility and the intensive search for foreign markets. 

6. Beekeeping products export plant, 'VISAPINA-IMPEX' SRL, Orhei. An automated line for packing honey into jars was purchased and installed as planned. Indicators achieved: an increase (in 2020-2021) in honey sales from 305 tonnes to 378 tonnes (342 tonnes was planned), revenue from sales of all beekeeping products from EUR 504,000 to EUR 981,000 (EUR 821,000 was planned), including exports from EUR 412,000 to EUR 981,000 (EUR 693,000 was planned) and employment from 10 to 13 people (12 people was planned).


The publication expresses solely the views of the author and cannot be equated with the official position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.